Monday 13 October 2014


This was the second blue plaque in Henleaze. It can be found on the wall opposite the entrance to Old Quarry Park, Henleaze Road dual carrigeway.
Do you know where the other blue plaque is in Henleaze?
Do you think we should have a third blue plaque and if so where?

Monday 6 October 2014

Cree Indian Beadwork

Micky has recently been downsizing and has now kindly sent this wonderful sample of Cree Indian beadwork which was given to him by previous residents of 7 Carmarthen Road, Henleaze, Grace Theodora Winter and Marjorie Josephine Winter, the daughters of Rev George Smith Winter who were better known as Dora and Josephine respectively.
Micky who was a young boy in the 1950s recounted that the daughters had been brought up with the Cree Indians in Canada and that their father had translated Peep of the Day into Cree in 1898. (Lambeth Palace has a copy). Micky remembers stories of their life with the Indians and being shown their buckskin clothes and snow shoes they had used as children in Canada where they both spoke Cree.
Dora and Josephine ran a group known as the King’s Messengers at St Peter’s Church, Henleaze presumably up until they died in 1965 and 1969 respectively? It was apparently a junior missionary branch that operated on a national basis? We are not sure how long they ran the group. Does anyone know?
For further information on the Winter family see