Monday 9 November 2015

A house in Henleaze named Abbeyside

Henleaze Book has recently received this email:

We have recently moved to 16 The Drive, Henleaze, Bristol BS9 4LD, which is opposite St. Peter's Church - pictured here.
We have an iron gate. Incorporated into it is the name 'Abbeyside'. 
To what abbey does this refer? Has it anything to do with Westbury on Trym?
I am intrigued!

Can any reader help?
(We have looked on old maps of the area but they do not tell us anything.) 

Sunday 20 September 2015

Did you know that one of the Henleaze Junior School teachers became the J K Rowling of her day?

When Mrs Elaine Horseman left HJS she took up another career and became a British author of three children's books, which centre on five children in an old victorian house and their experiences with a book of magic spells.
The three books are:
Hubble's Bubble. 1964
The Hubbles' Treasure Hunt.1965
The Hubbles and the Robot. 1968
This is a quote from on Amazon from Carole J. Walker on January 7, 2015:
Elaine Horseman was the J.K. Rowling of her day. Witchcraft, candlesticks, 3 English children, a mouse... I read this as a child in the 1960's and never forgot it. The name Alaric charmed me so I looked it up. he was a King of the Visigoths, ok.
Do you have any memories of her books, her or her family? 
Please let us know if you do!

Monday 3 August 2015


This iconic photo is from the Mike Brooks collection and shows Burfield House/Burfield Priory before it was demolished in the late 1930s. Priory Court Road now stands in the grounds. 
Recently I discovered this wonderful website and its creator Reg Jackson. 
He is so knowledgeable about pottery production, particularly in the Westbury-on-Trym area in the late 17th and 18th centuries. 
Reg tells us in his publication Transactions of the Bristol & Gloucestershire Archaeological Society, Volume 123 (2005) that George Hart, a successful potter in the area, had Burfield built in 1776.
Research has also pinpointed the site of the pottery known as Burfield/Sugar House Pottery where 137-143 Westbury Road are now located. 

Friday 24 July 2015

ALHA (Avon Local History & Archaeology) Summer Walk in Henleaze - 13 July 2015

Old Quarry Park, Henleaze, Bristol was the meeting place for the start of the walk.

Henleaze Lake

Henleaze Lake was so peaceful. It was almost impossible for the walkers to imagine that they were in a City. 

In spite of the rather dull, drizzly weather, many of the them had travelled from places outside the city
 e.g. Clevedon and Weston-super-Mare. 
Other historical places included en-route were: Southmead Manor, Eastfield Lodge and the Eastfield Inn. 

The Dome inside former Southmead Manor

Many thanks to the people concerned who were kind enough to give their time to show the walkers around these really interesting and varied places. (Some of them are not normally open for viewing to the general public.) It made the stops on the walk much more interesting. 
The photos were taken by Julie Kaye, one of the walkers and a Henleaze resident.

Thursday 2 July 2015


1961 - Miss Maggs with her class at St Margaret's School, Henleaze which closed at the end of 1962.
BACK ROW - Second left - the tall blonde girl is Genny Hammonds (cousin of Diana Davis, nee Fussell). third left Valerie Stone. (Valerie and her friend were in Miss Jenner's class at the time, but as they were passing by they were asked to fill up the back row!
FRONT STANDING ROW - Far right - wearing a blazer - April Fever and the shorter girl behind her Janet Hardman (nee Stevens).
Second from the  right - Miss Maggs - between April, far right and the pupil with a v neck jumper third right.
Second girl from the left, standing, in a dress is Susan Pyne.
Judith (Judy) Davey in blazer in middle 

Wednesday 24 June 2015


Veronica has received many emails, telephone calls and letters from old girls who have really enjoyed the book - either the paperback or the ebook edition -  as well as others who wanted to have their memories included in any future editions!  
It has really taken here by surprise. She really feels quite humble because the old girls did the work with their memories. She just put their information together! 
Since publication in March more old girls have submitted their memories as well as details of their career paths - all make good reading! 
More to follow!
The limited paperback edition has sold out but the ebook is available via Amazon. 

Thursday 11 June 2015

Why did the Romans leave items of interest in Henleaze?

At the top of Henleaze Park Drive chalet bungalows were built in the former grounds of St Margaret's School which was sadly demolished in the early 1960s. New roads were created at that time and named Longleat Close and St Margaret's Drive.

Ruby Lismore (nee Langdon) a former pupil at St Margarets between the 1920s and 1930s, mentions in the St Margaret's book:
I remember clearly the existence of a Roman mosaic floor out in the grounds - quite large and well preserved -though not cared for. The girls were taken out to see it.  They were always told it would probably have been the floor of a  Roman villa. 

Further to these comments on the mosaic floor local historian Julian Lea-Jones who has published many books of local interest including ones on Temple Church, Bristol has been talking to Veronica Bowerman recently about the Romans in Henleaze.. 

Can anyone else now recall the mosaic pavement or any of the illustrations on it as these could help define the rank of the person occupying the villa or the type of property it was(Photographic proof would also be ideal!)

NB Two artefacts have also been found in Henleaze relating to the Romans:
© Julian Lea-Jones Oct 2012
  1. An altar icon of Mercury found by a resident of Kellaway Avenue in the 1930s. This is now housed in Bristol City Museum 
  2. A coin in Springfield Grove shown here was found by Julian Lea-Jones in his garden. It dates from AD383-388 and shows Emperor Valentinian II. 

Sunday 12 April 2015

Three Publications in the Henleaze Heritage series

They are:
The Henleaze Book, 
Henleaze Junior School: The Early Years, 
St Margaret's: Memories, Musings & Merriment (see cover).

For further information on these publications see:

Sunday 5 April 2015


The e-book St Margaret's, Memories, Musings and Merriment has just received two 5 ***** reviews on Amazon.
Thank you so much! 
Here is a photo, not included in the book from the Diana Davis/Pat Reid collection. A few boys were at St Margaret's each year in the kindergarten and sometimes up to the age of nine years old. 
Are you one of those boys or do you know any boys that attended?

Saturday 28 March 2015


Eclipse Memories from Mavis Gray, nee Peacock, former old girl of St Margaret's School, Henleaze, Bristol.
On Wednesday, 30 June, 1954 there was a partial eclipse of the sun. I remember well as it was pretty hot and we were all in our pink and white summer dresses with our panama hats on (you had to wear them at break and lunch times) standing in the playground, looking up at the eclipse through pieces of negative! When we were not looking at the eclipse we would have been playing Jacks, skipping or playing Pick-a-Stick I expect. I don't think we ever played Hopscotch and I still do not know how it's played!
My husband was a photographer for some years in the RAF and he was horrified when I told him this story. Luckily, we have proper glasses for this Friday's eclipse that we purchased for our family trip to France which included an eclipse sighting in 1999. The visit, with my husband and our nine year old son included a EuroDisney, Amiens (where the Armistice was signed) and Beauvais, where I went to school for 3 weeks just before my'O' Levels at St Margaret's. It worked wonders!
I remember the lovely Kindergarten teacher, Miss Patricia Reid, who I read on Friends Reunited has now, sadly, died.
Some of my ancestors ran the Peacock's Boot and Shoe Factory family in Kingswood, Kingswood.
I attended St Margaret's from September 1951 until July 1960 when I moved across to Clifton High School.

Thursday 12 March 2015


Today the first overseas feedback was received on the new e-book St Margaret's: Memories, Musings & Merriment from a former pupil who now lives in the Canaries - Valerie Martin Arvelo. 

In the late 1950s her father, Ivor Bonner took the only colour exterior photos we have of St Margaret's. One of his photos has been used on the cover of the e-book. 

'I just read it. . great fun, lots of memories and nostalgia!
It brought back many memories. I especially enjoyed reading the school song - parts of which I had forgotten! 
It's amazing how many memories there are in there from the early years of the school.
I hope lots of "old girls" buy it!'

Tuesday 10 March 2015


The long-awaited e-book has just been published. 

This school operated in Henleaze, Bristol from 1922 - 1962.The principals, Mrs Simpson and Miss Campbell then retired after 40 years. 
The historic building was subsequently demolished and the land sold for new builds.  
Many memories and photos from former pupils are included.

Thursday 26 February 2015


Can you throw any light on these photos taken in the 1960s? 
The gentleman with the watering can was the gardener of St Margaret's School, Henleaze - Mr England. 
Who is the other gentleman with the Keeshond dog? 
Was he by any chance the husband of Mrs Nipper pictured here outside their house which was on the St Margaret's estate? 
This house, formerly in the grounds of St Margarets was demolished several decades later. 
It has now been replaced with two modern properties in St Margaret's Drive.

Saturday 21 February 2015


Can you all be kind enough to look at the copy below which has been edited by one of the proofreaders of the forthcoming book on St Margaret's, Henleaze, Bristol. 

If there are any further corrections can you please email The Henleaze Book asap?

Many thanks!

“Sapientia est vera margarita” is believed to mean
 “Wisdom is a true pearl”.
I would not waste my spring of youth in idle talents. 
I would plant rich seed to blossom unto thy womanhood and bear fruit unto thy mould. 

Sunday 8 February 2015


The title of the forthcoming e-book on St Margaret's has been changed and also the background colour.

It was felt by one of the old girls that blue cover was "too harsh, and feel a deep rose colour would be more suitable echoing the colour of our blazers."

She also emphasised that they had lots of fun there and did not mutter much so this is why the title has been changed!

Any further feedback before publication would be helpful.

Tuesday 27 January 2015


Arthur Milton (1928 – 2007) former Henleaze resident, was the last man of twelve to play cricket AND football for England at international level.

Some of you who are interested in the history of football and/or cricket may have read the book subsequently produced by his great cricketing friend Mike Vockins, Arthur Milton: Last of the Double Internationals published in 2011 by Sports Books Ltd.

Thanks to Joan Milton Veronica Bowerman has now produced a short version of Arthur's many achievements on the webpage People of Henleaze and has included some previously unpublished local information.

Also many thanks to Jane and John who were given this signed photo by Arthur when he was their paperboy in Stoke Bishop after his illustrious sporting career.

Here is the link to the pdf file:

Thursday 15 January 2015

St Margaret's School, Henleaze - request for photos of former teachers

This is a photo of Miss Reed, one of the former teachers.

We have photos of Miss Jenner, Miss Maggs and Miss Buchanan kindly sent in by old girls.  

Do any of you have any additional photos to add to this collection or know of someone who has?

It would be really good to have photos of Mrs Simpson and Miss Campbell in this collection.

Sunday 11 January 2015


18th April, 2015 12.00 for 12.30pm.
Buffet Lunch at BAWA, Southmead Road, Bristol, 
Price £16.50 to include buffet, dessert and tea or coffee. 
Contact Diana Davis (nee Fussell) via CONTACT US.
If you know of any St Margaret's Girls in the area please pass this message on to them as soon as possible.

St Margaret's School operated in Henleaze from 1922 - 1962.
Photo of this wonderful building - sadly demolished in 1963 - was taken by the Father of old girl Valerie, nee Bonner.