Thursday 26 May 2016


Open to members and non-members
There will be tea and cakes on the lawns, guided tours of the Lake, the opportunity to share your memories of the Lake and the possibility of meeting up with old friends.
Please contact them via the Contacts page to register for the event:…/lake-memories-day/
Did you know that Henleaze Swimming Club is nearly 100 years old?
The club was established in 1919. People were swimming and ice-skating at the Lake even before this - possibly as early as 1906.
In preparation for its centenary in 2019, the club is starting to collect people’s memories of the Lake. These memories will go into the club archives, along with photographs and objects from the past hundred years. The centenary will be marked with the publication of a new book and an exhibition documenting the club’s history. The Club would love to hear from past members and others who have memories of the lake - for example people who climbed over the back fence to swim or fish. The Club would be interested to hear from anybody who has old photographs of the lake, or objects associated with the club. The Club has an extensive collection of photographs of the Lake but very few of the lake during the 1960s and 1970 and would be keen to see any from this period.
2015 photo by local resident and member, Julie Kaye.

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