Thursday 7 December 2017


Many thanks for the readers that kindly took the trouble to vote for us.
Sadly, WALKING ON WATER the project submitted by Henleaze Book will not receive funding for an historical information board in Old Quarry Park. We did not receive enough notes to reach the final of the AVIVA COMMUNITY FUND.
However we are hoping now that a local organisation will come forward to sponsor this board. If you do know of a possible candidate or require more information please email us at

Wednesday 1 November 2017


Some of you have not realised this fact.

Please help us increase the number of votes in the AVIVA Community Fund.

First of all you need to click this dedicated link:
It’s a really simple 3 step process:
Step 1 – create a free Aviva account
Step 2 – confirm your email address (to confirm for AVIVA you are a real person!)
Step 3 – complete a few more details
You can vote up to 10 times so please go for the MAXIMUM!
Make sure you share this email with as many friends as possible to encourage additional voting.

Sunday 29 October 2017


You can now vote after the AVIVA Community Fund computer glitch. 
Please take a look at our application for funding from AVIVA as we really need more votes to achieve funding.
We really need your votes! Please share with your friends so they can vote as well! 

Thursday 27 July 2017

An invitation to all St Margaret's Old 'Gels'

A reunion is being held on Saturday 4th November, 12.00 for 1.00 lunch.
At BAWA Leisure Centre, 
Southmead Road, Bristol 
Lunch cost £18.00
We are hoping this year that our invitation reaches some former pupils who may not be aware of the previous reunions.
The event is again being organised by old ‘gel’ Diana Davis.

If you know of any old ‘gels’ please forward this invitation on to them.
If you would like to come along or require any further details do contact Diana as soon as possible - initially by telephone 0117 951 4243.
(The photo was taken by Valerie's (nee Bonner) father.)

Tuesday 11 July 2017


Jeff Bishop has just republished ‘Villas, Cottages and Houses’ His history of Westbury Park,with new photos, several new maps and a few corrections!

It is 64 pages long and costs £5.

NB The free trail in Henleaze library relates directly to the book.
People can obtain a copy from Jeff at 65, St. Alban’s Road or email him at

There will be a copy of the book in the library very soon (the book also accompanies the free trail that is available there – 4,500 out now!)

Saturday 24 June 2017


Do you listen to Emma Britton on Radio Bristol? On Tuesday, 20 June an interview was included about a balloon basket that is in the Albuquerque Balloon Museum, New Mexico, USA! It was bought by Glen Terry and friends from Minnesota in 1979 from Cameron Balloons. Glen has kept the order form signed by Don Cameron, himself. Emma’s programme for 20 June can be found on this link

The interview starts on this iplayer link at 1:21:30 with Don Cameron, followed by Graham Joyner, a former pupil and basket maker of the Blind School and then Veronica Bowerman who was sent an email by the Museum asking her if she could tell them more about the label they had found on a gondola in their archives.
Here is a picture of Glen, the original balloon owner, taken in May 2017 when he was taking his bi-annual check flight, required in the USA every two years, in a friend’s balloon called the Piano Balloon. They were flying over Cloquet, Minnesota USA which is just West of Duluth, Minnesota.  The photo was taken by Steve Johnson, the owner of the balloon that Glen was flying.
A photo of the label on Glen’s first balloon sent to Veronica by the Museum is also shown.

Monday 1 May 2017


Henleaze Connections has now been published as a paperback and is available on Amazon

It will continue to be available on as an e-book. ENJOY!

Monday 20 March 2017


As promised this e-book will be available for FREE for two days only on Thursday and Friday 23 and 24 March, 2017.
If you wish to take advantage of this free e-book offer please check this link nearer the time.
NB The start and end times of the promotion will be approximately midnight Pacific time on the day it starts and midnight Pacific time on the day it ends. Since the start and end times of promotions are based on midnight Pacific time, the exact time the book reflects a free or paid sales rank will vary depending on the time zone from which customers are viewing the book. For example, customers in time zones other than Pacific time may not see books reflected in the free list until much later in the day, depending on local time.
Many thanks to you if you have already purchased a copy. Your custom is much appreciated. If you could forward this email on to anyone else that could be interested that you be great as well.
In response to various requests it is likely that a paperback version will be available in April or May – details to follow!.

Monday 30 January 2017


This week I went to visit  Kondi's the Gift Shop on Henleaze Road to deliver a further supply of The Henleaze Book to them. 

Sandy seems very enthusiastic and has lots of ideas for gifts which I am sure will benefit many in the area. Both she and Ian are keen to meet residents as well as visitors to Henleaze so do pop in when down on Henleaze Road to see what they have in store. 

It is particularly pleasing that they are willing to stock The Henleaze Book which has sold well there for the past 8 years. It is always a useful buy for new residents as well as for friends or relatives that known or used to live in the area.