Saturday 24 June 2017


Do you listen to Emma Britton on Radio Bristol? On Tuesday, 20 June an interview was included about a balloon basket that is in the Albuquerque Balloon Museum, New Mexico, USA! It was bought by Glen Terry and friends from Minnesota in 1979 from Cameron Balloons. Glen has kept the order form signed by Don Cameron, himself. Emma’s programme for 20 June can be found on this link

The interview starts on this iplayer link at 1:21:30 with Don Cameron, followed by Graham Joyner, a former pupil and basket maker of the Blind School and then Veronica Bowerman who was sent an email by the Museum asking her if she could tell them more about the label they had found on a gondola in their archives.
Here is a picture of Glen, the original balloon owner, taken in May 2017 when he was taking his bi-annual check flight, required in the USA every two years, in a friend’s balloon called the Piano Balloon. They were flying over Cloquet, Minnesota USA which is just West of Duluth, Minnesota.  The photo was taken by Steve Johnson, the owner of the balloon that Glen was flying.
A photo of the label on Glen’s first balloon sent to Veronica by the Museum is also shown.

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